For me life as a missionary has few and far between special events to get dressed and celebrate. On several occasions in my past ten plus years in El Salvador I have been invited to a wedding. This most recent wedding was very special for me as it was a son in the faith who was getting married. I spent time thinking about what to buy for the happy couple, how to arrange my day so that I would not be late to the wedding since being late is the norm for El Salvadorians, and what to wear and how would I fix my hair so I would not be sweltering in the heat. I was ready and not only I, but those who were accompanying me since we were riding together to attend a wedding that was nearly an hour away.
When we arrived the family was diligently putting up the last decorations and making sure that sufficient food was prepared. Often people will come because they hear that there is a wedding so the groom’s family needs to prepare for more people than for those who are invited or who kindly RSVP.
Several things that I took note about the latest wedding was how the groom’s family had the responsibility of the wedding feast after the civil ceremony in their home. It was relaxed as children ran around chasing balloons that had fallen from the walls and ceiling. A few family members were assigned to open the gate to let the guests enter the home. After the wedding ceremony, the groom, bride and the groom’s mother and sister, served nearly 100 guests. Although the ceremony started one hour later than the designated time, guests continued to arrive after the ceremony for the celebration meal. The family was very gracious to each and every late guest.
Several things came to mind as I saw each late guest arrive. First was the parable of the marriage feast in Matthew 22:1 – 14 and Luke 12:35 – 37. Although this family was very gracious, it will be quite different when the Lord returns and does not find his servants watching and prepared for His arrival.

For those who are prepared, the Lord will call us to the marriage supper of the Lamb. He, Christ, will make His fellow servants sit down to eat with Him. I and we as believers are to be joyfully serving our Lord, ready to give honor to our Lord, living in godliness, not shaming HIS name, and walking in righteousness for we will be clothed in HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS! Secondly I thought, “Lateness will not be tolerated!” We will either be ready or be left behind. Let us be ready for the Second coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
And the journey continues…